On this episode we share some smart tips to help all of us navigate healthy aging with enthusiasm, vitality, and purpose.
1) First off, there is no such thing as anti aging so let embrace each day as it comes!
Tackle each day by talking on the big tasks first and the little ones will seem effortless. Whatever you don’t get to will be still be there. By a certain age, we can trust that the sun will rise again tomorrow.
We spend so much time aggressively chasing the next big thing, afraid we will miss out, but if you take a more thoughtful approach towards fulfilling your dreams, life will be more relaxing and rewarding.
2) Approach your nutrition and fitness with small steps that won’t make you feel discouraged. Add in one healthy food choice every day, eliminate habits that no longer serves you, and focus on keeping your body upright and balanced. Those are the key elements that keep us alive longer.
All of your social interaction, meals, activities and relationships should bring you joy and a sense of calm and well-being. Competition and needing to win, takes away from the fun of just being there. Enjoy nature, learning new things, and be there for your friends and family.
30 Hold yourself accountable with goals. Write a list of key things you want for the rest of your life, and spend each day working towards it. Stop caring what anyone thinks and do it for you!
When you look at that piece of paper, check off your accomplishments and erase the ones you know you won’t get to. This takes the pressure off yourself, and the feeling of disappointment will fade.
. 12 Pillars of Health
- Take Control of Your Health
- Take control of Your Body
- Spiritual Balance
- Stress – Breaking the Cycle (& what adds to the load)
- Financial Fitness – How your health affects your finances.
- Food and Emotional and Relational Balance
- Your mind and your food
- Your mind and your lifestyle
- The power of light
- The power of water
- Taking Control of your sleep
- Directing your life
As the creator of Eat Well, Live Well, Age Well, Patricia is an expert on all things Aging Well. As a sought after national expert for TV, Radio, Podcasts and conferences, she consults, teaches, and hosts a weekly YouTube show devoted to Aging Well.
Passionate about her own wellness, She is a Chef and Nutritionist, ran 20 marathons, 115 half marathons, climbed towers and stadiums all over the country and is now a Yin Yogi and gym devotee, determined to stay strong for life. Married with a grown daughter, in her downtime she is an avid knitter and book club junkie.
She is the author of “Eat Well, Live Well, Age Well,” the definitive guide to Aging Well, and the soon to be released , “It’s Okay to be Old,” Radical Acceptance of your Age. April 2024. Patricia joins Mark on this edition of Late Night Health.
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