This is meant as much for any grandparent or parent to stop and think about the impact their choices make during their child’s formative years.
These revelations come from Constellations healing over 15,000 clients including their entire family system both (living and dead). My goal is to spread this wisdom for your children and grandchildren who are the future hope of humanity. A Sincere Namaste, Gary Stuart
Learn more about the Raising Your Harmonius Child on Amazon here: https://tinyurl.com/y3j55eph
Gary’s recent #1 bestseller is A. I. Ancestral Intelligence. You can learn more here www.GaryStuartHealing.com
Our book is Quantum Activation: Transforming Obstacles into Opportunities written with Amit Goswami PhD. and Carl David Blake. His other Constellation healing books include Master YOUR Universe: How to Direct & Star in YOUR Own Life plus Many Hearts ONE SOUL.
He’s the innovative creator of Constellation Healing Oracle Card Deck
You can listen to Gary and Mark here: