Premiere Integrative Health Show That Cares About You! We talk about Health and Wellness Topics That Matter To You!

Late Night Health is Designed to Empower Consumers to Take Charge of Their Own Health!

The show started when our host, Mark Alyn, experienced back pain and his insurance company refused to cover the problem. Working with “The Insane Darrell Wayne”, they created an upbeat, unique program showcasing a wide range of health topics. From energy healing to the latest techniques to fight cancer, the show is a blend of traditional and alternative health modalities. We’re health care consumers just like you, focusing on what’s good for people not Big Pharma or insurance companies.

Join Mark and Darrell on our journey to great health on Late Night Health on the radio stations below or find our shows on our site and download them to mobile devices.

You can also listen on iTunes, Spreaker, PodcastAddict, SoundCloud, Spotify, RadioActive, and through many of your favorite apps.

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