Late Night Health’s Mark Alyn Talks with InnoVision’s Dick Benson

Dick Benson, president of InnoVision, talks with Mark Alyn about Supply Side West. At InnoVision, we recognize the connection between our personal health and our lifestyles. We provide resources for health care practitioners to improve the health of our world, one patient at a time.  Conventional medicine excels at treating conditions like infectious disease, organ failure, and trauma, but fails at treating chronic health while ignoring the ideal of optimized human function entirely. Two decades of research have revealed that genes hold the keys to the individual’s potential, not their fate and that the art of medicine can and should be practiced with more brushes than just the pill, the scalpel, and radiation. We focus on combining cross-cultural modalities, such as traditional Chinese medicine or ayurvedic medicine, with the technology and rigorous research of Western medicine to improve the health outcomes of your patients. Included in this toolkit are botanicals, nutraceuticals, mind-body therapies and many more modes of treatment. After all, it was Hippocrates who said, “Natural forces within us are the true healers of disease.”

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