BEMER is an FDA Class II cleared consumer (OTC) medical device that, during an 8-minute session, sends a low-intensity pulsed electromagnetic field to the body in order to safely stimulate healthy muscles which temporarily enhances local blood flow, resulting in better delivery of oxygen, and clearance of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) within the target tissues. Additional benefits from regular use of BEMER may include reduced stress, improved quality of rest and relaxation, optimized physical performance, enhanced muscle conditioning and physical fitness, and a better overall feeling of well-being. For more than 20 years, the benefits of BEMER have impacted millions of people around the world. BEMER is an FDA Class II cleared consumer medical device that is non-invasive and easy to use.
Healthy circulation is vital to optimal health. Stimulating healthy muscles and temporarily increasing blood circulation in healthy muscles is the primary goal of BEMER, to support muscular health and optimize performance.
BEMER devices use a pulsed electromagnetic field – abbreviated as PEMF – to deliver a patented therapeutic signal. Local and targeted BEMER therapy directly stimulates electrical activity within the muscle tissues “the field” interacts with. Think of charging a toothbrush or a cell phone wirelessly. The concept works the same within the body. But instead of charging a battery – you are charging your cells!
Oxygenated red blood cells carry oxygen and nutrients through the arteries and capillaries to all the organs of the body. As the blood provides oxygen and nutrients to the cells, the cells in turn transfer carbon dioxide and waste products to the red blood cells, which are then processed through the veins. BEMER devices are designed to temporarily increase local blood circulation in healthy muscles and stimulate muscles in order to improve and facilitate performance.
Listen to Dr. Berka and Mark here: