
How To Talk With Your Kids About Covid-19

Understanding COVID-19 and quarantine has been challenging for most of us. Late Night Health’s Mark Alyn speaks with Mel Kaspin Blume, a professional storyteller who used her innate talent to explain their new circumstances to her six-year-old daughter and three-year-old son. Screens, Beans and Quarantines is the result. This free, downloadable children’s book that teachers from …

A Look At Covid-19 – Computers & Your Eye Health

Dr. Rani Banik, MD, is a board-certified ophthalmologist specializing in eye health, neurological conditions, and migraine headaches with a focus on an integrative approach and is also a fellowship-trained neuro-ophthalmologist. She is based in New York City and joins Mark Alyn, host of Late Night Health, in May during “Healthy Vision Month” to discuss how …

Happy Life – With MarBeth Dunn!

Join me for one of the happiest times on radio – with Marbeth Dunn. MarBeth Dunn is the award-winning creator of the World Miracle Peace Experiment, a daily meditation broadcast LIVE over FaceBook. The six months meditation correlated with a significant drop in Middle East violence. MarBeth is a mindset, success, and Intuitive Energy Management specialist who …

For The Biome – A Look At Wellness With Paul Schulick

Paul Schulick’s passion for natural healing began as a young child while accompanying his pediatrician dad on house calls. Paul understood that it wasn’t simply the medicine that enlivened healing, but the loving care emanating from his father to his patients. In the early 1970s, Paul embarked on a formal study of alternative health through …

Be The Person You Want To Be -With Powerful-U

Steph Purpura is a wife, mother, entrepreneur, author, public speaker, and women’s advocate.  After surviving sexual abuse and a suicide attempt, Steph began picking up the pieces of her life to discover how she ended up so broken and alone. Through a combination of meditation, journaling, and affirmations she realized her own worth. She wanted …

Dr. Pot Talks Cannabis

While going through cancer treatment, Dr. Flannery’s mom sought recommendations for safely medicating with Cannabis. Dr. Flannery’s unmatched expertise in the field and his absolute vigilance for his mom’s health created the most stringent standards – no applied chemicals, no pesticides, and no additional risks of being harmful to his mother. Dr. Robert Flannery is …

How To Cope With Stress in These Uncertain Times

A TOP DOCTOR PROVIDES NATURAL WAYALLEVIATE ANXIETY DURING THE PANDEMIC Author Ken Redcross, MD, Provides Homeopathic & Stress Relief Strategies as Alternatives to Habit-Forming Conventional Medicines As we all deal with the stress of the pandemic, it’s important to realize what it can do to our health and well-being. On May 7th, Ken Redcross, MD, a board-certified …