Alternative Medicine

Fix Our Broken Health Care System with Faith

cover of CARE - fix our broken healthcare system

For over three decades, Scott Morris has been serving the underprivileged population of Memphis with free healthcare for the working uninsured (and then some). Formerly and affectionately known as “The Wish Building,” Morris’ work takes place in a vast converted Sears, Roebuck and Company distribution center. Coming in late October, Scott Morris presents the work of …

Find A Place For Me – Embracing Love and Life in the Face of Death


Find a Place for Me: Embracing Love and Life in the Face of Death (Pact Press, November 1, 2022) is an award-winning memoir about facing a marriage’s last act—a spouse’s death—as a couple united in mind and holding hands. Author Deirdre Fagan, D.A., was married eleven years and had two young children when her forty-three-year-old husband …

What Would You Do If Your Child Was Autistic?

Announcing: The  NYC Autism Tech, Innovation & Careers Expo Saturday, October 22 – 9:00am – High School of Art and Design – 245 E 56th St, NYC “[As] the parent of a young woman diagnosed with neurodiversity and [having extensive professional experience in this field, attending Richard Schreiber’s July 2022 NYC Autism Summit, gave me] a whole …

What You Eat Can Make You Cranky – and More!

Dr. Kulreet Chaudhary, MD, author of “The Prime” and “Sound Medicine,” ​​says what you eat could be causing your mood disorder, but consulting your dosha could help. Dr. Chaudhary is an internationally recognized experWhether you are feeling anxious, irritable, depressed, restless or empty could have a lot to do with your dosha type and what …

No Babies? – It Could Be The Guys Fault!

Ayla Barmmer, MS, RDN, LDN, a registered dietitian nutritionist and functional medicine practitioner ​​says despite men accounting for nearly half of all fertility problems, infertility is still commonly regarded as a “woman’s issue” leaving men feeling helpless and without purpose, but there are actions they can take to make a positive impact on conception, pregnancy …

Get Healthy in 8 Minutes A Day!

BEMER is an FDA Class II cleared consumer (OTC) medical device that, during an 8-minute session, sends a low-intensity pulsed electromagnetic field to the body in order to safely stimulate healthy muscles which temporarily enhances local blood flow, resulting in better delivery of oxygen, and clearance of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) within the target tissues. Additional benefits from regular use of …

Straight Teeth For Health & Good Looks

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SIMPLE ALIGNERS  For the past 20 years, “invisible aligners” – dental treatment designed to make an attractive smile available to everyone – has been one of the fastest-growing sectors in medicine, as this innovative technology transcends the field of traditional orthodontia, with its brackets and wires.  At this pivotal time in the field of dentistry, …