Alternative Medicine

Does Gender Need Labeling? Gender Without Identity

Gender Without Identity Cover

What if no one—gay or straight or bi, trans or cis or nonbinary—was “born that way”? In GENDER WITHOUT, award-winning psychoanalysts Avgi Saketopoulou and Ann Pellegrini challenge the argument widely embraced by rights activists and members of the LGBTQ+ community that gender identity is innate and immutable. “There is nothing wrong with being gay, queer, gender nonconforming, or trans, nor is …

Uterinekind – Improving Uterine Care For Everyone

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Staring back at doctors who say the symptoms are normal, bleeding through clothes in public, losing big chunks of time to pain, and living with undiagnosed conditions for years–these are experiences I know well. Are they familiar to you? These experiences are common for millions of people – some will endure life-altering complications because their …

A Look At Unimaginable Loss & Hope

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Kim Cantin and her daughter survived an unimaginable loss.  In January of 2018, heavy rainfall combined with deforestation from recent wildfires caused a series of mudflows northwest of the Montectio, California in 2018. The powerful mudslide took the lives of her beloved husband, son, dog and home.  Through it all Kim’s love as a mother …

Mindful MD – How Your Doctor Can Avoid Burnout!

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Joining us on this episode is the esteemed Dr. Gail Gazelle, MD, an Assistant Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School, renowned physician coach and author of her new upcoming book, “Mindful MD. 6 Ways Mindfulness Restores Your Autonomy and Cures Healthcare Burnout.” Our topic tonight is a pressing phenomenon making national and international headlines: …

The People’s Advocate – Harold Cameron

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Harold Cameron, The People’s Advocate, Consumer Advocate and Government Liaison for HaroldSays, llc provides professional and positive advocacy services for consumers who have legitimate and justified complaints against, or issues with, corporations worldwide. A few of the companies he has successfully advocated with on behalf of consumers includes Wells Fargo Bank, Comcast, United Health, American Airlines, …

Discovering the Nature of Longevity

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Restoring Heart Health By Targeting Hidden Stress by Douglas Mulhall Could we live better if the damage from hidden stress that starts at birth was reversed? The evidence is proving yes, beyond what standard care has been able to achieve. New therapies are being combined with standard medicine to target the hidden effects of stress, …

After the Elephant Recap: Legal/Finance/Marketing/Retail Panel 

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In the legal/finance/marketing/retail “After the Elephant” discussion of “Identifying the Elephant in the Room: Critical Communications Strategies in the Face of Sexism’,” host of Late Night Health Radio, Mark Alyn, moderated the conversation with guests:  Alan Lewis, vice president, advocacy & governmental affairs at Natural Grocers, Denise Lamberston, founder and chairwoman of LMS, and Ryan …