Alternative Medicine

Avis & David – A Love Story

Twenty nine years ago Avis’s husband David suffered a massive stroke – Avis talks about traversing the medical and healthcare industry – Today David drives, communicates, takes care of shopping and much more! Avis Talks about dealing with doctors and insurance companies while working to help David heal. Years later, Avis still searches for answers …

Healing With Love & Joy – A Visit With Swami S. Tirtha (The Orange Cowboy)

“Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries.
Without them humanity cannot survive.”— Dalai Lama Today I will share with you simple solutions how you can take control of your health by using energy healing and discuss research proving its efficacy. Feel Thyself/Heal Thyself You probably are familiar with some forms of energy healing. Reiki seem to …

Keep Your Teeth Naturally

  Joel Sanders practices is a unique form of “holistic dentistry” in Highland Park, Illinois, whose wide following of patients appreciate the fact that he goes beyond just restoring teeth. He cares about each person’s total health. After graduating from Northwestern University Dental School in 1979, Joel began practicing traditional dentistry for several years. During a dental …