Twenty nine years ago Avis’s husband David suffered a massive stroke – Avis talks about traversing the medical and healthcare industry – Today David drives, communicates, takes care of shopping and much more! Avis Talks about dealing with doctors and insurance companies while working to help David heal. Years later, Avis still searches for answers …
Whatever the excuse, date night, celebrations, playoffs or guy’s night out, it can happen to any of us. Even the most disciplined and health conscious person can and will occasionally slip and go on a junk food or sugar binge. Statistics show junk food binging for the average American will result in the consumption of …
Dr Susanne Bennett joins Mark Alyn to talk about how to get your energy back. Ever wonder why children run around with endless energy, and you’re ready to fall asleep just watching them? In her new book “Mighty Mito™”, Dr. Susanne Bennett, DC, CCSP, has the answer! It all has to do with the mitochondria, …
“Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them humanity cannot survive.”— Dalai Lama Today I will share with you simple solutions how you can take control of your health by using energy healing and discuss research proving its efficacy. Feel Thyself/Heal Thyself You probably are familiar with some forms of energy healing. Reiki seem to …
What would you say if someone told you that doing cardio or the latest fitness fad every day was a waste of time to be leaner, stronger and toned? All you need is SlowBurn strength training twice a week for 15 to 30 minutes at a time. The method is perfect for busy parents, boomers …
Listen to “Light Therapy – Biophotonics (Part 1) – Yvonne Hedeker 5/5/17” on Spreaker. Listen to “Light Therapy – Biophotonics (Part 2) – Yvonne Hedeker 5/5/17” on Spreaker. Biophotonics or light therapy is one of the most promising new technologies in health and wellness. It’s not surprising when you think about it. Light is the …
Is Marijuana a Viable Alternative to Opioid Use for Pain Management? Dr. Constance Scharff, the director of addiction research at the Cliffside Malibu addiction treatment center in Malibu, California, did not expect to be an advocate for medical marijuana legalization. But when she saw data indicating that states with medical marijuana laws showed a 25% …
According to gut health expert Julia Loggins, It Takes Guts To Be Happy! And that’s the name of her book. She joins Late Night Health to sharing the secrets of great digestion, the key to health and happiness Julia teaches men and women from 9 to 90 where their colon is and how it works. …
With all of the new health treatments available, many people are looking for different methods of healing. At the top of the list is acupuncture. For thousands of years this Chinese practice healed people of stress, high blood pressure, headaches and pain. In the 21st Century this age old healthcare system now treats disorders caused …
Joel Sanders practices is a unique form of “holistic dentistry” in Highland Park, Illinois, whose wide following of patients appreciate the fact that he goes beyond just restoring teeth. He cares about each person’s total health. After graduating from Northwestern University Dental School in 1979, Joel began practicing traditional dentistry for several years. During a dental …