Mental Clarity in a Turbulent Age We live in troubled times. News headlines and story leads are a combination of fear, doom and gloom. We have been conditioned to believe that the external stressors of our world will inevitably envelop us all. The anxiety and fear this creates begets internal turmoil, clutter and unhappiness. These …
2018: The Year of the Consumer By: Karen Howard, CEO and Executive Director of Organic & Natural Health Association @OrgNatHealth We no longer have to wonder about the impact of the FDA’s budget being frozen, a federal hiring freeze, or a full-out directive to terminate and prevent promulgation of ‘most’ regulations. The natural products industry, …
The new year often brings an urgent motivation to get healthy, but also comes with an overload of information about what to eat, how to exercise and the best ways to reboot for 2018. It can be quite overwhelming, which is why one study from the University of Scranton suggests that 92 percent of us …
Mark Alyn apologizes to his wife — for not buying tomatoes! Learn why Mark says he made a mistake and says he’s sorry to his wife! Listen to Mark’s chats with amazing people from around the world (including #Swami and #Robert Clancy) as they talk about mind, body and spirit wellness.
Gamechanger CP Intensives @ Step by Step How a SHIRT changed a life Parents, children, teens and adults with CP as well as therapist are often overwhelmed by the multitude of motor problems they face and do not know where to start their intervention. At Step by Step Intensives, we always start by giving support …
Sleepless Nights No More – Tackling Insomnia In the era of smartphones and workaholics, sleep has become a luxury rather than a necessity. Sound sleep seems to be an alien concept to many. Almost everyone today is either suffering himself or probably knows someone who struggles with sleep issues, or in other words, is an …
In 2017, the answers have changed. A third of youths want to be like Chad Sahley! According to recent results of a survey that First Choice, a travel company, conducted of 1,000 children aged six to 17, more than a third indicated they wanted to be a YouTuber. What do they need to know to …
It costs nothing, everyone wants more of it, but finding time to get it seems impossible. Sleep. It’s one of our most basic survival mechanisms that reboots the body’s motherboard each night. Without it, we can’t survive. In fact, studies show that sleep deprivation is linked to many diseases, including cardiovascular disease, cancer, obesity, diabetes, …
“Joy and happiness cannot be found in pursuit of any goal or achievement. It does not reside in fortune or fame. It resides only in the human mind and the human heart. And it’s here where we hope you will find it.” —HIS HOLINESS THE DALAI LAMA and ARCHBISHOP DESMOND TUTU His Holiness and the …
Conflicting headlines on the value of nutrients like omega-3 and vitamin D can create doubt among consumers who want to take charge of their health but aren’t sure if the money they are spending on supplements is worth it. Karen Howard, executive director and CEO of the Organic & Natural Health Association joins Late Night …