The research into the field (the medical benefits of cannabis) is still ongoing, especially given the logistical issues of investigating a substance with such an evolving legal status. But continuous new developments suggest marijuana can, in fact, be medically beneficial in so many ways—and that lawmakers are catching on to the many new possibilities. Such …
Imagine tapping into the beauty of a child’s innate wisdom through the sharing of sweet and wise words of guidance and valuable life skills. Ariane de Bonvoisin’s series entitled Giggles and Joy: Spiritual Life Lessons for Kids does just this, with a healthy dose of enlightened humor and profound, yet simple, messages for babies and …
Armin Brott a.k.a. Mr.Dad has earned enviable credibility as an authority figure on fatherhood and families. His ten best selling books ranging starting with The Expectant Father to Military Father, have brought him accolades and has become a pioneer in his field of building better fathers for more than a decade. He’s helped millions of …
It’s a legend that many long for, that dates back to the 16th century when Spanish explorer Juan Ponce de León was in search of a magical spring called the Fountain of Youth, touted to restore the youthfulness of anyone who bathes in, or drinks, its waters. In modern times, it’s been touted that just …
Actor Dee Wallace joins the show as Mark Alyn’s co-host for this episode. They discuss acting, health and love. Dee shares intimate details of her life, as she shares her love for people and offers insights on how to help you get the most out of your life. Special thanks to Robert Clancy ( and …
Winter can really wreck your health and this winter especially has been very tough on most people. According to the Cleveland Clinic, the winter season can make you SAD, a distinct type of depression often comes with extreme sleepiness, increased appetite, a heavy “leaden” sensation in the limbs, loss of interest, sense of hopelessness and …
Life can certainly be painful. Approximately one-third of Americans report they feel aches and pains “very often” or “often”— more than people in any other country, according to a new National Bureau of Economic Research survey titled, “Unhappiness and Pain in Modern America.” While some pain will have us rushing to the emergency room, other …
I know you’ve heard about your inner guidance. And maybe you live by it every day. But I feel it’s necessary to bring it to mind constantly, to help you remember how important it is to stay connected to and develop your awareness of it, what it’s saying and how it’s guiding you. I want …
Currently Americans spend more than $30 billion each year on complementary health approaches, and are also more likely to have spent that money on natural product supplements versus visits to functional medicine practitioners, according to a recent study by the National Center for Health Statistics. The study also reports that probiotic supplements rank as one …
Joining Mark Alyn on this edition of Late Night Health is Greg Curtis, President of SP of Southern California. In addition to his 11 years of expertise in applied clinical nutrition, Greg brings more than 27 years of experience in strategic business development, marketing and sales management. He is also an experienced nutritional consultant and …