Alternative Medicine

Inaugural National Summit on Mental Health and Fitness

Without Hearing Aids – I Just Can’t Hear! Mark Alyn Explains How Hearing Aids Can Change Your Life! The International Association of Human Values (IAHV) and its founder Sri Sri Ravi Shankar will host its Inaugural National Summit on Mental Health and Fitness in Denver, CO on July 22-25, 2019. The event aims to disrupt …

Moms Across America – Empowered Moms, Healthy Kids

I’m Sorry – can You Say That Again? Having Issues With Hearing? Check This Out Moms Across America is a National Coalition of Unstoppable Moms. Our motto is “Empowered Moms, Healthy Kids.” Our Mission is to educate and empower mothers and others with actions and solutions to create healthy communities. We support local activities, initiate …

Dr. Amy Shah Talks About Allergies At Expo West With Mark Alyn

Summer is here and the allergy season is at its peak. Dr. Amy Shah talks about what to do about your allergies naturally with products from Genexa. If you don’t think you are prone to seasonal allergies, don’t write them off too quickly. It is absolutely possible to develop allergies as an adult. Another factor …

Pulverizer Your Weeds Without Causing Cancer

It’s Loud in Here – Can you Please Say That Again? Mark Alyn Talks About Hearing Aids   Pulverizer Your Weeds Without Causing Cancer James Messina, CEO of Messinas, our guest on LATE NIGHT HEALTH offers the safe, non-cancer causing alternative to Roundup. Messina is a lifelong member of the gardening community, and founder of the …