From the CEO of Youtheory Regarding COVID-19 Our hearts and prayers go out to everyone who has been affected by the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. As a family-owned nutrition-based health and wellness company committed to making high-quality supplements for those in need, we want to provide you with an update on the actions the Youtheory brand …
Board-certified internist Jacob Teitelbaum, M.D., is one of the most frequently quoted integrative medical authorities in the world. He is the author of the best-selling From Fatigued to Fantastic!, Pain-Free, 1,2,3!, the Complete Guide to Beating Sugar Addiction, Real Cause Real Cure, The Fatigue and Fibromyalgia Solution, Diabetes Is Optional and the popular free Smart …
Joel Greene is the founder of Veep Nutrition, which was started in 2006. The program is Hospital utilized, used by major cities, corporations. Worlds largest body of outcomes targeting gut biome for body composition. Featured on several Dr. Phil Storylines. Author – Muscle and Fitness, CBS Online, 24 Hour Fitness Magazine. Consultant to Quest Nutrition and …
Pain is something that so many people experience that it has created serious health issues and social problems. In fact, a survey called “unhappiness and pain in modern America” found that approximately one-third of Americans report they often or very often feel aches and pains. Joining us today is Dr. Ken Redcross (pronunciation red-cross)—a practicing …
There’s a lot of brand bandwagoning on the Corona Virus and Flu Virus. Straight talk: this is a safe, simple and proven strategy of boosting the ultimate immune booster: vitamin C. By taking Phosphatidyl Choline (PC) with pure/high quality vitamin C, you are essentially wrapping the vitamin C in double-layered phospholipid spheres (liposomes) that protect the vitamin through the digestive system …
Jared Smith, VP of Business Development with KÖE Kombucha and Perfect Hydration, sits down with Mark Alyn to discuss recent developments with these growing brands. KÖE is the only kombucha that’s fruit-forward, USDA Organic and packed with probiotics. KÖE was created for non-kombucha drinkers – people seeking a delicious, functional, sparkling beverage without the vinegary taste. KÖE is …
Dentists from around the world attend Dr. Nejad’s sold-out classes to learn how to treat damaged, broken and decayed teeth and return them to their original strength, function, esthetics and biomechanical properties. His students gain advanced clinical and practice skills that provide them with an invaluable competitive advantage. “I am excited to respond to the …
Dr. Earl Mindell joins Mark Alyn for a look at boosting your immune system. Here are some recommendations from Dr. Mindell. BEWARE OF THE DIRTIES (GERMS) 1. Lemon Wedges in Restaurants: Don’t put them in your drink. They can contain 25 different organisms. 2. Restaurant Menus: Bacteria can survive for 48 hours. They are wiped …
What are your belly habits? This is a question our guest on Late Night Health, Sherry Torkos B.Sc.Phm., R. Ph., holistic pharmacist and author of more than a dozen books on natural health says many people don’t know the answer to. As many pharmacists are, she is on the receiving end of a lot of …
The new coronavirus is sickening thousands globally, including at least six individuals in the US). Americans are buying surgical masks faster than major retailers can restock them.But, did you know there’s another virus that has infected 15 million Americans across the country and killed more than 8,200 people this season alone. It’s not a new pandemic — it’s influenza. The 2019-2020 flu season is projected to be one …