Alternative Medicine

Medicare in the 21st Century!

People are not only living longer, but according to recent research from Duke University, they’re also living better. Today’s seniors are increasingly healthier in mind and body as they age than ever before.(1) They are also staying busier during their Golden Years than in years past. Over the last 20 years, the percentage of Americans working …

Handling The Sneezes of Spring Naturally!

As of May 2020, Maryann Castello has been appointed to the Association of Professional Ballplayers of America as the Assistant to the President and the Director of Health & Wellness Services, Member of the Advisory Board, and an APBPA Ambassador where she brings her expertise and compassion through her multi-disciplinary approach to the healing arts …

The Future Of Psychedelic Medicine

Ei.Ventures is a leading life and plant sciences company focused on bringing botanical psychedelic therapies and medicinal mushroom nutraceuticals to market with a bold mission – to create the new standard of mental wellness. To this end, Ei.Ventures’ botanical psychedelic therapeutics and medicinal mushroom nutraceutical solutions are designed to radically shift mental wellness treatment protocols. …

A Layer of Covid Protection From Parnell Pharmaceuticals

Parnell Pharmaceuticals, Inc. develops, manufactures, and markets prescription and OTC drug products that maintain and restore mucosal and skin integrity. The company’s newest product Mouth Kote-MD Mouth Spray is with patented MycoDelens and Natural Yerba Santa and has been shown with in vitro laboratory testing to be an effective antiseptic against Antimicrobial Resistant (AMR) pathogens including bacteria, fungi, and coronaviruses such as …