Alternative Medicine

NJ Labs CEO Sandra Lee Talks Ticks (And Disease) At Expo West 2022

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Once considered a regional issue, tick season, which officially takes place between April and October, is now a national concern due to the migration of these insects and the frequency in which people travel and opt for outdoor adventures. Although Lyme disease is the most known tick-borne disease, it is not the only tick-borne pathogen …

Fathers & Their Sons

“Story Merchant” Ken Atchity, head of Story Merchant Books and Atchity Productions, has more than 40 years of experience in the publishing world, and over 20 years in entertainment. “At the prompting of a marketing friend, I was advised to title this book, My Intensely Madcap, Lebanese/Cajun, Jesuit-Schizoid, Terminally Narcissistic, Food-Focused, East Coast/West Coast, Georgetown/Yale, …

Intercultural & Intergenerational Conversations

Deanna Shoss is a wife, mother, interculturalist, author, anthropologist, satirist, marketer, and fitness instructor based in Chicago. From being fired to surviving breast cancer and back surgery— Deanna knows how to get back up after life’s knocks (all with a sense of humor). From getting a dinosaur through security at O’Hare International Airport to supervising …

Teens, Covid and Addiction

At the beginning of the pandemic, most adolescents habituated to staying at home  resulting in lowered self-esteem. As a result, their self-concept was shaken and many became self-conscious, stressed and anxious around their peers leading them to want to abuse substances or skip out on homework, explained Dr. Kim Chronister, Clinical Director of LA-based Key Transitions, …

Nourish Our Kids

Donna Terjesen-Holistic Health Counselor; Children’s Book Author, CEO & Founder of Nourish Our Kids;; Managing Director at HBR Consulting Among a host of descriptive words that can be used to define Donna Terjesen. Her being a survivor, mother, teacher, inspiring, entrepreneur, author, lecturer, and optimist. In November 1992, Donna was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. She …

Harnessing the Nine Hallmarks of Aging

Greg Macpherson, biotechnologist, pharmacist and author of “Harnessing the Nine Hallmarks of Aging,” returns to Late Night Health. He talks about senescent cells, also known as “zombie cells,” which accumulate with age and are associated with many disease states people experience later in life, can add a roadblock to your health now. Senescent cells are …

Learn About Heart Health w/ Vesna Skul, MD, FACP

This edition of late Night Health focuses on heart health. Some of the topics covered include. Heart disease is the number one killer of both men and women in the United States.  Cardiovascular disease kills more women than all forms of cancer combined.  We can now treat the root cause of all cardiovascular issues in …