Teachers, plumbers, doctors, lawyers…the list is endless– all with cardiac events triggered by work stress so I felt compelled to provide a solution for people, regardless of industry, to effectively reduce stress at work.
Employees feel overworked, underpaid, and at risk for Burnout, especially now in the post-pandemic world with people working from home, hybrid-home/office, and back to the office full time.
Too much to do, too little time.
- Never take work breaks
- Feel unacknowledged for work and demands outweigh rewards.
In order to attract the best and brightest talent, companies need to have competitive, effective stress reduction tools available to attract and retain best and brightest.
Best candidates care that the companies they choose are looking out for their mental, social, and physical needs and health.
We know that companies that make investments in wellness save dollars and lives.
According to Harvard Health analysis, companies save $2 to $3 dollars per $1 dollar spent per employee/yr. Cost savings and ROI are created by less absenteeism, improved productivity, less cost on medical claims.
I have learned company wellness programs over the years overemphasized diet and exercise and under emphasize stress reduction. Simple, effective, stress reduction exercises like the BREATHE technique are few and far between.
Best companies emphasize short, effective work breaks acknowledge them individually for their hard workand show leadership support and encouragement for employee participation.
BREATHE for work stress reduction program is a library of powerful, effective, proven stress reduction exercises employees can use during breaks at work to help them focus, concentrate, relax, and protect their hearts.
The program can be seamlessly integrated into existing wellness platforms and company intranets, or on smartphones.
BREATHE is physician-led, scientifically proven, uses a unique patented methodology and gives users real-time fees back.
BREATHE is better than competitors because scientifically proven, broader because helps employees cultivate innovation, teamwork, leadership, communication, and job promotion, it’s cost-effective and charitable.
Listen to Dr. Kennedy and Darrell here: