If any of us remain skeptical about the Mind Body Soul Connection in regards to wellness, we need only remember the last time someone came into the room and startled us. Or when we got spooked out as a child. Or the time we felt publicly humiliated or shamed. Unless you’re living under a rock, …
According to gut health expert Julia Loggins, It Takes Guts To Be Happy! And that’s the name of her book. She joins Late Night Health to sharing the secrets of great digestion, the key to health and happiness Julia teaches men and women from 9 to 90 where their colon is and how it works. …
Leo R. Doumanian, MD joins Mark Alyn to talk with us about erectile dysfunction. What is ED? Erectile dysfunction (ED) is defined as the persistent inability to achieve or maintain a penile erection sufficient for satisfactory sexual performance. ED can limit your intimacy, affect your self-esteem, and impact your most important relationships. Beyond the physical manifestations, …
With all of the new health treatments available, many people are looking for different methods of healing. At the top of the list is acupuncture. For thousands of years this Chinese practice healed people of stress, high blood pressure, headaches and pain. In the 21st Century this age old healthcare system now treats disorders caused …
Joel Sanders practices is a unique form of “holistic dentistry” in Highland Park, Illinois, whose wide following of patients appreciate the fact that he goes beyond just restoring teeth. He cares about each person’s total health. After graduating from Northwestern University Dental School in 1979, Joel began practicing traditional dentistry for several years. During a dental …
This time of year, one can easily get overwhelmed, stressed out and sick. The good news is that you can now take your health and well being literally into your own hands thanks to the sophisticated, yet simple, ancient Japanese healing art, Jin Shin Jyutsu®. Mark and Kathrin discuss how you can gain relief from …
Want a Flat Tummy? Stop Doing Sit-Ups! Award winning author of Baby Bod – Turn Flab to Fab in 12 Weeks Flat and physical therapist, Marianne Ryan, explains why SIT-UPS and ABDOMINAL CRUNCHES won’t necessarily help flatten your belly. In the podcast Marianne Ryan will explain why sit-ups can actually give you a ‘pooch’ …
Rick Olderman, MSPT – Author of Fixing You Back Pain and regular contributor on Late Night Health talks about neck pain and headaches. One of the biggest culperts of neck pain are the shoulder blades. If our posture or shoulder blades are not resting or moving well this can cause neck pain. When focusing on posture its …
Mark Alyn talks with Jaden Sterling, Intuitive Business Coach and award winning, international best-selling author of, “The Alchemy of True Success: Activate Your Mind, Revitalize Your Body and Reignite Your Spirit.” Mark and Jaden discuss the energy of money and the REAL meaning of the word Wealth. Jaden’s mission is to assist one million entrepreneurs to follow …