Smile with Robert Clancy, Internationally Best-selling author of “Soul Cyphers” and “The Hitchhikers Guide to the Soul”as he talks about the power of the smile with Mark Alyn. Robert’s 21 day on-line course is about to launch. Find out more about Robert at:
“Joy and happiness cannot be found in pursuit of any goal or achievement. It does not reside in fortune or fame. It resides only in the human mind and the human heart. And it’s here where we hope you will find it.” —HIS HOLINESS THE DALAI LAMA and ARCHBISHOP DESMOND TUTU His Holiness and the …
Conflicting headlines on the value of nutrients like omega-3 and vitamin D can create doubt among consumers who want to take charge of their health but aren’t sure if the money they are spending on supplements is worth it. Karen Howard, executive director and CEO of the Organic & Natural Health Association joins Late Night …
Joy for the Holidays (part 2) 3 Secrets to a Joyful Family Event Swami Sadashiva Tirtha Today I am going to share 3 secrets to a happy holiday even if others seem to want to make you miserable. 1. Ask yourself, ‘How do I want to feel at the gathering?’ If we can visualize ourselves being happy, …
Dear anyone suffering from brain fog or brain disease, Are you noticing more days of foggy thinking, memory loss, lack of focus and concentration? If the answer is yes, welcome to the fastest growing problem on the planet. It is estimated that 35.6 million people are currently living with dementia worldwide, and that number will …
Finding just the right holiday gift is often a challenging task. The selection process is further complicated when the recipient has Autism Spectrum Disorder. According to Terri Matthews, Executive Producer of “On the Spectrum,” Mother, CEO and Founder of Jaden’s Voice,,, consider giving gifts that are calming in nature, facilitate communication, are tactile …
In the increasing world of data based medicine and value based outcomes Physician Burnout is increasing at an alarming rate. Physicians describe this feeling like an overwhelming sense of physical, emotional and cerebrally/mental exhaustion. “We feel like our body’s are racing on overtime but moving at a snails pace where nothing gets finished.” There is …
Strokes are the leading cause of disability in America and can result in depression, personality changes, poor memory, faulty judgment, concentration challenges, visual impairments and weakness. When it comes to the basics of stroke awareness most people know the risk factors that include: uncontrolled diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and sleep apnea; …
Women want to find clothes that fit properly… quickly… reliably… no matter what the brand. That’s all too often not the case. 86 percent of women cannot find clothes that fit their shape; 55 percent of women refuse to try on clothes… too much time and effort and it leaves them feeling badly about their …
Often we feel anxious about what will be our own fate in late adult life as we watch a loved one’s gradually lose a sense of dignity and independence or suffer the loss of mobility, vision, hearing, cognitive skills, and self-care. There are mixed lessons we have learned from our elders on growing old – …