Do’s & Don’ts of Communicating with Your Spouse Are your neighbors keeping their windows and doors shut more often, despite gorgeous weather? Do your kids tell you, “OMG! All you two do is yell at each other.”? Do you feel your spouse would be sexier if he/she was mute? Have you had the urge to …
Mark Alyn apologizes to his wife — for not buying tomatoes! Learn why Mark says he made a mistake and says he’s sorry to his wife! Listen to Mark’s chats with amazing people from around the world (including #Swami and #Robert Clancy) as they talk about mind, body and spirit wellness.
Gamechanger CP Intensives @ Step by Step How a SHIRT changed a life Parents, children, teens and adults with CP as well as therapist are often overwhelmed by the multitude of motor problems they face and do not know where to start their intervention. At Step by Step Intensives, we always start by giving support …
Smitty would visit us at the Late Night Health studio every week. We talked about radio and the media. Then he stopped showing up. Months later he came in to say good bye. He had stage 4 liver cancer and the doctors gave him a month to live. He shares his journey with Mark Alyn. …
It was March 8, 2012, and I was in my car at the Temple University Hospital frantically searching for my parking receipt to leave the hospital garage. There were so many reasons not to leave. I had just left the cardiac intensive care unit where my 57-year-old husband, Harry, had received his last treatments. I …
“I Talk With Dead People” Rebecca Austill-Clausen is the author of the award-winning book, Change Maker, How My Brother’s Death Woke Up My Life. Rebecca is an Occupational Therapist who discovered she could communicate with her brother after he died even though she had no prior psychic or spiritual experience. Rebecca’s 37-year-old brother David died …
Sleepless Nights No More – Tackling Insomnia In the era of smartphones and workaholics, sleep has become a luxury rather than a necessity. Sound sleep seems to be an alien concept to many. Almost everyone today is either suffering himself or probably knows someone who struggles with sleep issues, or in other words, is an …
In 2017, the answers have changed. A third of youths want to be like Chad Sahley! According to recent results of a survey that First Choice, a travel company, conducted of 1,000 children aged six to 17, more than a third indicated they wanted to be a YouTuber. What do they need to know to …
Doctors Are Not Following Their Own Advice—And They Are Burning Out Doctors are known for giving advice about healthy living—to eat a healthy diet, get enough sleep and downtime, and to enjoy healthy relationships, exercise, meditation and gratitude practices, but do they follow it? The answer is—not as much as they should. Over 50 percent …
It costs nothing, everyone wants more of it, but finding time to get it seems impossible. Sleep. It’s one of our most basic survival mechanisms that reboots the body’s motherboard each night. Without it, we can’t survive. In fact, studies show that sleep deprivation is linked to many diseases, including cardiovascular disease, cancer, obesity, diabetes, …