Robert Clancy, author of the Internationally best selling book “Soul Cyphers” shares tips with Mark Alyn on how to become an achiever and get what you want from life. Being of service to others tops the list of being healthy, wealthy and wise. Visit Robert at or
Have you ever wondered what your life would be like if you could not fail? I asked myself that question in 2008 when I was feeling like my life was in a tailspin. I had been having some trouble falling asleep (and taking ambien for about a year) and waking up feeling tired, alone, and …
Wear Your Pain Away With AlignMed So many of us live in pain, for one reason or the other. The more we neglect it, the more we experience pain. This can be particularly true as we age. The traditional medical profession has been taught to prescribe medications of various levels, to perform a therapy designed …
Sound Health, Healing Music, Meditation and Mindfulness We’re all familiar with the general concept of the healing powers of music. It’s usually songs with words that we turn to for emotional Support in times of tragedy, for instance. Less well known is the healing power of tone and mindful composition techniques that make it easy …
Want a Flat Tummy? Stop Doing Sit-Ups! Award winning author of Baby Bod – Turn Flab to Fab in 12 Weeks Flat and physical therapist, Marianne Ryan, explains why SIT-UPS and ABDOMINAL CRUNCHES won’t necessarily help flatten your belly. Bet you didn’t know that! In the podcast Marianne Ryan will explain why sit-ups can actually …
Mental Clarity in a Turbulent Age We live in troubled times. News headlines and story leads are a combination of fear, doom and gloom. We have been conditioned to believe that the external stressors of our world will inevitably envelop us all. The anxiety and fear this creates begets internal turmoil, clutter and unhappiness. These …
2018: The Year of the Consumer By: Karen Howard, CEO and Executive Director of Organic & Natural Health Association @OrgNatHealth We no longer have to wonder about the impact of the FDA’s budget being frozen, a federal hiring freeze, or a full-out directive to terminate and prevent promulgation of ‘most’ regulations. The natural products industry, …
The new year often brings an urgent motivation to get healthy, but also comes with an overload of information about what to eat, how to exercise and the best ways to reboot for 2018. It can be quite overwhelming, which is why one study from the University of Scranton suggests that 92 percent of us …
Robert Clancy, best-selling author of “Soul Cyphers” shares his inspirational thoughts with you and Mark Alyn on having a wonderful revitalization for the new year.
New Year! New You? It’s that wonderful transition time that happens every 365 days. We move out of one year and into the next. As you say farewell to 2017 and step into your next 365 day cycle, are you setting yourself up to have more happiness, fulfillment and success, or are you carrying too …