NJ Labs CEO Sandra Lee Talks Ticks (And Disease) At Expo West 2022

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Once considered a regional issue, tick season, which officially takes place between April and October, is now a national concern due to the migration of these insects and the frequency in which people travel and opt for outdoor adventures. Although Lyme disease is the most known tick-borne disease, it is not the only tick-borne pathogen …

Late Night Health Focus: On The Williams-Franklin Foundation At Expo West 2022

Brian Terry of Nordic Naturals shares his backstory on how he went from HBCU to the natural products industry. Karen Howard, CEO and executive director of Organic & Natural Health Association share the importance of the Williams-Franklin Foundation Organic & Natural Health Scholarship Fund and why the industry should get involved. The Williams-Franklin Foundation is …

Networking with Amy Summers At Expo West 2022

Amy Summers became an entrepreneur in her mid-20s, launching her first company, Pitch Publicity, in February 2003, during a rapidly changing climate for communication and media relations. Her campaigns have resulted in billions of media impressions worldwide and she’s credited as the first to strategize live media interviews at both the deepest and highest points …

The Amazing Bellflower Unified School District

Tracy McSparren, the Superintendent of Schools for the Bellflower Unified School District, is the first woman to have started as a teacher (science) in the District and become a Superintendent and its second woman Superintendent since its establishment in 1956. Mark Alyn and Tracy talk about the impact Covid had on the District and its …

Tips to Ease the Burden of Prior Authorization: for Patients, Providers and Payers

By Christina Perkins, Vice President of Business Insights at NantHealth The COVID-19 pandemic has stretched healthcare systems, forcing them to care for more patients with reduced staff.  One immediate action healthcare systems can take to increase patient care is to streamline or eliminate time-consuming administrative work. Prior authorizations put a tremendous burden on providers and …

Fathers & Their Sons

“Story Merchant” Ken Atchity, head of Story Merchant Books and Atchity Productions, has more than 40 years of experience in the publishing world, and over 20 years in entertainment. “At the prompting of a marketing friend, I was advised to title this book, My Intensely Madcap, Lebanese/Cajun, Jesuit-Schizoid, Terminally Narcissistic, Food-Focused, East Coast/West Coast, Georgetown/Yale, …

The Power To B – A Look At Infertillity

The creators of The Power to B bracelets got their big break at the recent Academy Awards after celebrities enthusiastically embraced the inspirational designs at a pre-Oscar event. Based on the popularity of the jewelry collection, The Power to B will now be permanently featured at the exclusive GBK Brand Bar boutique in West Hollywood. Additionally, the sisters who …