Artificial Intelligence Reviews Award-Winning Book – “The Cloud”

The Cloud cover

It is fitting that The Cloud, Robert Rivenbark’s award-winning speculative science fiction novel is the first book to ever be reviewed by AI avatars. In Robert’s world, the narrative revolves around a speculative view of our future and the place AI holds within it. His fascination with speculative fiction is deeply rooted in his concern …

A Sneak Look At The Upcoming SupplySide West

SupplySide West logo

Staying healthy and vibrant is the main theme behind Supplyside West (October 23 – 27 in Las Vegas). Sandy Almendarez, VP of Content for SupplySide, shares insider information about this upcoming industry event including sustainability and the latest science. From nutrition to supplements, the latest research about staying healthy and more, SupplySide is packed with …

Helping Americans Eat Better

Organics & Natural Health Association Logo

Carolina Schneider, MS, RD, a registered dietitian known as “Carolina the Green RD” says the farm bill’s Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) – formally known as food stamps – provides vital assistance to millions of disadvantaged Americans to ensure that all people have access to nutritious food, however there are some crucial nutrition gaps that …

The Butterfly Cage – A Look At The Hearing Disabled Community

The Butterfly Cage book cover

Rachel Zemach became Deaf at age ten, and has lived with one foot in both the Deaf and hearing worlds since then. After teaching Deaf students for ten years in a hearing, public school she became more solidified in her Deaf-with-a-capital-D identity. She loved thee job passionately but found it a shockingly, un-necessarily obstacle-laden environment …